Bambooth Client Case Study
Strategic Marketing
Bambooth has designed and developed the first and only bamboo biodegradable toothbrush approved by the Oral Health Foundation's independent panel of dental experts.
Bambooth approached Epitomise to create a marketing plan and to support a program of digital marketing execution to help them launch and growth their range of new attractive bamboo totthbrushes.
Epitomise helped Bambooth create their marketing plan and designed and developed a new landing page for Bambooth created specifically to support online digital marketing campaigns.
A sample of Bambooth marketing
(All information shown is in the public domain. All strategic work is client confidential)

“Steve Ward at Epitomise was the perfect consultant to get us on our way with our new venture - I couldn’t recommend him enough. He went above and beyond with the service and expertise he provided.”
Niamh McGill
Director - Bambooth