Electric Vehicle Marketing

For Vehicle Electrification Solution & EV Charging Companies
Plans, Advice, Mentor, Coach & Marketing Services

Helping vehicle electrification & EV charging solution clients (those typically offering advice, design, products, solutions and services) to define and realise their full potential by effectively targeting, positioning and marketing their business.

How we can help

strategy Strategy, Plans, Audits

Create real-world plans and strategies that deliver your growth aims efficiently and effectively

strategy Brand & Value Messaging

Create differentiated brands & value-based consistent messaging that compels end-user action

strategy Create & Convert Leads

Target, generate and convert demand for your products, services and solutions

strategy Digital Marketing

Adopt digital marketing strategies, practices and tools that achieve rapid real-world growth optimally

strategy Launches & Go-to-market

Create and execute high-impact go-to-market launches consistently delivering desired results

strategy Winning Sales Channels

Building structured, enabled, and high-performing direct and indirect sales channels

Our unique transformative approach has helped to launch and grow electric vehicle solution and EV charging companies with ambitious growth aims. 

The Transform Accelerator

Discover new opportunities in your business and sustainably increase your revenue by following our trusted plan. Manageable growth that considers today's challenges and cash-flow constraints.

Get a new perspective on your business. Discover its value to guide the transform strategy.

Identify and prioritise new ideas to design a manageable plan of action to transform your business.

Empower your team, build new processes, create assets and deliver through the most effective channels.

Test and measure performance, optimising often to grow results and improve return on investment.


Trusted by

Electrical & Electronic Design; On and Off-Highway Electric Vehicle (EV) and Mobile Machinery Technology; Enterprise IT Consultancy, Solutions & Services; and Business Process Improvement and Engineering Customers.

Safety PAL
Foundation IT
Control Technologies UK ltd
APP Technology
Bytesnap Embedded Design Excellence
Clarity Tech

We are qualified experts in strategic, traditional and digital marketing in your industry. We understand technical complexity turning this into customer centric marketing. We are trustworthy, responsive, flexible and easy to work with. As well as being results focused, honest and transparent, we deliver what we say to quality and on time.


”Steve and team have worked really hard to understand our aspirations and the people we 'want to reach out to'. We agreed targets we would see as a success to our business and we have exceeded these to date and within Steve's original budget forecast. Great management reports into us and not afraid to nudge us back on track when we veer a little off course from Steve's original plan! Would highly recommend."

David R Mays
Director - APPtechnology

"Steve clearly knows his stuff – his expertise, enthusiasm, fresh ideas and detailed research have helped take our strategic marketing to the next level. Very happy with the fantastic service from Epitomise. I highly recommend Steve and the Epitomise team."

Michelle Robinson
Marketing Lead - Bytesnap Design


Get a Free Quote:
Tell us about your needs 

We will reply to your enquiry within 1 working day and are happy to have exploratory no-obligation discussions.


Grow with technology led innovation and transformation

Execute Your Tech Idea gives you everything you need to find, qualify, implement, and launch your tech idea. This comprehensive and easy-to-read book is for non-techies, professionals, managers, and start-ups.

18 chapters, structured into three areas, will help you to find and qualify your idea, to implement your idea, and to launch and maintain your idea. We are pleased to have contributed to the launch content with key marketing principles, the 25 marketing channels and how to choose the right channels.

The advice in this book has helped hundreds of companies to execute their tech idea and applies to all tech projects, including apps, portals, SaaS, software tools, smart devices, IoT, and many more.

Buy on Amazon  Get on Audible